Birra di Modena

What is this Law of Purity?

It refers to a law issued by Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria in 1516, the Prohibition of Substitutes (Der Surrogatverbot), which was only much later, in 1918, renamed the Law of Purity (die Reinheitsgebot). This appears on the labels of the majority of German beers, but the importance of the law has been exaggerated. It [...]

2019-01-30T12:38:50+01:005 December 2017|Birra di Modena|

Are the Scots of Brewdog making fun of the politically correct?

Brewdog, the iconoclastic brewery of Aberdeen, seems to have reached the apex of the politically correct with its beer in protest against climate change. It is called “Make the Earth Great Again” and is produced with water from melting polar icecaps. Please see the ANSA report indicated below. James Watt and Martin Dickie, Brewdog’s founders [...]

2019-01-30T12:21:48+01:0030 November 2017|Birra di Modena|

The beer-warmer, an endearing German custom

The Bierwärmer (beer-warmer) is an endearing little contraption that is a testimony to old people’s attachment to beer. Because they have digestive difficulties and intolerance for cold beverage and though beer is normally served at a moderate temperature of about 8° C in German establishments, they may ask the waiter for a Bierwärmer, a metallic [...]

2019-01-30T12:23:56+01:0030 November 2017|Birra di Modena|

Crazy names for new beers

Craft brewers in the United States and Great Britain have a predilection for bizarre brand names and for their various beers. They are very much in function of Anglo-Saxon humor, which runs from typical understatement to the farce along the lines of Monty Python and Groucho Marx. Their Italian confreres lack comical names, so we [...]

2019-01-30T12:29:26+01:006 November 2017|Birra di Modena|

Famous aphorisms about beer-drinking

These two are often cited, and they lead to different considerations: 1) "Beer is the proof that God wants us to be happy." – Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the first ambassador of the new republic to Paris, where he was known as a bon vivant. This is [...]

2019-01-30T12:31:50+01:0031 October 2017|Birra di Modena|

The traitorous sale of Anchor Steam Beer

We recommend this article by Davide Bertelli which offers some keen reflections on the theoretical betrayal committed in the sale of Anchor Steam Beer to the Japanese “megagroup” Saporo. He underlines with irony how Anchor is a cult icon of draft beer when in fact it is a successful phenomenon of industry and marketing. In [...]

2019-01-30T12:41:46+01:0031 October 2017|Birra di Modena|


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